Nathan Furniture

Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320

Description: ******* Welcome to my item, Buy with confident100%真品,100%原银奉还 如果验证是假。100%正牌不是陰牌 !!Items Specifications : Item 名稱: Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320. LEKLAI WAT-CHA-RA-TAD KOTTI PEE . INVITED FROM CAVE WALL, ORIGINAL SHAPE BY MONK MAGIC, COLD CUT ADAMANTINE PURE SUBSTANCE. MAGICAL EXTRACTION PROCESS EMPOWERED BY LP YAI HIMSELF. VERY BEST SUPERNATURAL POWERFUL Creator 师傅/庙名: LP SOMPORN (YAI) of LekLai-PriDum-Kow-Umklum mountain Years made 年份 : B.E.2558 or 2015 A.D Main Material 原料 : LEKLAI Mixed Good Effective for : Protect life resolved problem n trouble faster Size : See on photo, if not clear please email me FrameCase : As Show on listing, if not show please email me *Vintage Original, item Received direct from monk Hand (reblessing)*. 龙婆颂碰力泥龙婆陀 佛历 2558 Leklai Lp Thuad 已被抢疯+疯传的神奇护身圣物 自从我国马来西亚报章报导了师傅的力泥佛牌的神奇力量后 , 在网上可以找到很多录像可以看到他的流铁如何让 人不会被火、硫酸 、刀枪所伤。 力泥庙(力泥博物馆),全泰国非常具有名望的,LP Yai师父,亲做的力泥在全泰国乃至世界惊爆全球! 功效显赫出名,报纸、杂志、电视多次报道采访,并有现场试火、试叨、试踩碎玻璃 师父的力泥在泰国名气极强,其寺庙是泰国力泥第一大寺庙、被国家列为博物馆可想而知其寺庙的力泥是有多出名、LP Yai就是此寺庙 的主持! ✦圣物名称: LP Thuad ✦功效: 保平安, 挡灾, 挡险, 化险为夷, 出入平安, 提升人缘, 贵人缘, 辟邪避险, 大事化小小事化无, 顺顺利利 ✦方法: 放置在车内/家中/店面等等皆可, 不需要供奉供养 ✦开光: LP Yai ✦佛历: be2558 ➡在泰国里, 多数的车辆里都会放置一些符布、塔固(Takrut)或者是放置一些法相,尤其是龙婆托的法相. ➡泰国多数信众都喜欢在车上放置龙婆托, 因为他有”车神”之称, 是保佑驾车出入平安的一流圣僧. 据说在泰国报德堂救护队的统计, 在交通意外中, 极少有发生过有龙婆托圣物的车里内有人丧生的, 所以泰国佛教徒都非常崇拜龙婆托, 所以很多信众都会在车前放置一尊龙婆托法相. ➡但是很多信众都搞不清楚, 法相应该是向里面还是向外面呢? 有高僧提议说, #佛像或法相都应该向外会比较好, 因为这样佛祖就可以帮我们关注前方的路程, 庇佑安全的抵达目的地, 看外看内都行, 没有绝对的对或错, 无需担心 This is a very fine amulet piece, it was incantation and bless with Good powerful magic.KHATA for this item:MP3 available (Download). Khata to audio MP3 file (If temple give khata with item.)and send to buyer within 7day after package ship out. If buyer not received please email to Ask me again. Please note: khata is ancient magic spell. also not my language. so it has no meaning for translate and no need to understand meaning. just chant it. Khata is a mantras phonetic Praying word to consecrate and control power of this item. in order for the amulet to work it needs the right pronunciation with the Katha. In line with this I will do Khata to audio MP3 file only and i can not write it down to read for you because if you can not speak it, you can open this audio with speaker phone to amulet or write it down for read with your self to get correct pronunciation. Thailand Amulet & Talisman is any object that is imbued with protective powers, and all cultures have manifestations of such objects. In the world of Thailand amulet, Many people believe the symbol of Load buddha has the power to ward off evil. that an object that is inscribed with the word of God, image of Lord buddha and religious narratives, symbol and signs, will protect the person who reads, touches, or sees it. The surface of an amulet and talismans object can be covered with prayers, signs, numbers, and decorative motifs, and the object is carried in a pocket, or rolled and placed in an amulet case; some talismans are worn as clothin. The most efficacious amulet & talismans are those that are inscribed with prayers that remind people to lord Buddha and his narratives. Additional information about LEKLAI (A Magical Metal) LekLai which means in Thailand literally as " Metal substance which can be movement like fluid ". Leklai is regarded as a rare magical metal that forms naturally and possesses biological properties. It is probably only one of the most famous sacred substances in Thailand. It is believed that this sacred substance can release magic powers in a variety of ways to helping owner far from dangerous or accident and also expelling enemies or bad animals, Helping change owner become to millionaire. LekLai is the mysterious substance. it is Supernatural power and very competent. it is able to multiplying, can be disappearing, can be reappearing, can be growing, and can be stopping projectile weapons from functioning. it is a Sacred Substance which has been the source of Legend attributed with Miraculous Powers. LekLai is extremely rare items because it is a creation of mother nature alone and only stay in deep inaccessible caves which hidden in dense jungles. Moreover, it has been reported on many individuals have lost their lives in the quest to source this substances. How to get LekLai Nowadays. Hard to Find people with magic formula to can cut and take Leklai from cave wall. There is not much because have to use monk whom not greed and he must has strongest power (Ka-Sin Power) because psychic elements may made them Death It also need the correctly Rituals. Monk have to take Time to do a big ceremony considerably Remade in bringing and cut Leklai come out from cave wall. Identity of LekLai LekLai has many different type, forms, shapes and sizes, there are literally hundreds of each different looking. Real LekLai has an oily shiny surface and reflects the light.It displays many tones and color variations, and is astonishingly beautiful some time it looks transparent and glassy when immersed in holy water. There is the Great Power in it. The Qualities and Identity of LekLai : It resides within the walls of caves that are cool and damp, with no bats living in there. It can remain in a static form or move or disappear, stretch and condense itself. It can block any energy fields, waves or frequency channels. Guns will not fire in the LekLai area. It can make hot water become cold in an instant. It consumes the phosphorous of bullets and gun shells. It can emit a Fragrant Aroma. It can heal illnesses or injuries if laid on the place that is affected. It can become lighter or heavier or Magnetic. It can appear from nowhere. If they to be thrown , it can be find way back to start point. Leklai all kinds is very sacred and powerful Price of LekLai will depend on size and color. Different color will effective different power. There are 7 Major colors of LekLai : 1. Glossy Black with Blue or Green (like Jewel beetle wing) 2. Light Brown or Dark Brown (sometime look like red) 3. Dark violet or Magenta (like Mangosteen) 4. Silvery color (like mercury), Some time look Gray 5. Golden color, Some time look yellow 6 Creamy white (like Milk or color of Tooth) 7 Rainbow colors mixture seven colors. When the lights, it will have iridescent sparkling color. LekLai Can change color is Fantastic. From green, change is blue or Green glimpse gold, and red glassy gold. Asian people also believe in Leklai, such as in malaysia they called it Buesi-Sue-lae which has the same meaning as the Thai word Leklai. (moving metal). The belief in leklai has grown throughout Asia for the last 1,000 years. Thailand people believe this LekLai can protect owner. All dangerous will not be able to any harm for believer, particularly in helping owner expelling dangerous enemies or animals. Believer in Thailand, China and Tibet will often called it as “The Heaven Metal”. It has been used as amulets for centuries . this items amulet conjured up from Holy Cave Lek Lai elemental substance, with the fire Kasina Ritual. LekLai Good for : - Protection you from your occult, black magic, an evil power. - help in be invulnerable. - Add ascendancy. - Good trade. - Good luck. - Add ascendancy. - Things a great inducement to the owner. - Can protection genii. - Protection you from your occult, black magic, an evil power. - Protect you from poisonous animals Suck the poison out of the body - Rebalancing element in the body. Even today, there are not many people who can actually describe the properties of this sacred substance in much detail. The fact that we cannot see or cannot prove the existence of something does not mean it is not real. Many of Supernatural phenomena are what people doubt but cannot utterly deny. In Thailand, LekLai is a substance that cannot be explained by the laws of science. Yet, some people have great faith in LekLai power. LuangPu Tuad wat ChangHai is well known amongst Thais due to his supernatural power and his super natural power. Luang Pu Tuad was a real person. He was born in a poor family at Suanchan Village, Chumporn, in the late of Thammaracha reign during Ayutthaya period. Although his parents were poor, he was born with meritorious deeds. When he was a baby, one day a huge snake came and twisted itself around his cradle. The snake prevented anybody who came near the cradle. His parents suspected that the snake was an angel that transformed himself to the snake to protect the baby. The parents, then, paid respect to that snake. Miraculously, the snake crawled slowly away from the baby and disappeared. His parents believed that this unexplainable event was a sign, showing that special baby was already born. Due to Luang Pu Tuad's great contribution to others, his family status had continuously been better. The following is the story of the origin of one of Luang Pu Tuad's nicknames “Luang Pu Tuad steps on tasteless sea”. Luang Pu Tuat, at the age of 80, resided at Wat Pha Ko. One day while he was strolling along the sea, Chinese pirates caught him and took him to the sea with them. Not so long after the pirates' ship took off, it stopped unexplainable in the middle of the sea. The pirates felt desperately after they tried to move the ship several times. The ship floated in the sea for days. Finally, the ship ran out of food supply and freshwater and the crews suffered from dehydrating. When Luang Phor Tuat saw that, he put his feet into the sea for a while and told the crews to taste the seawater. The crews tasted the seawater. Miraculously, the seawater was tasteless, no longer salted. The Chinese pirates wondered the miracle and were scared of Luang Pu Tuat. As a result, the pirates asked for forgiveness and send Luang Pu Tuat ashore. After that, he was named “Luang Pu Tuad who steps on tasteless sea”.His amulet belived great help to protection and bring lucky to owner. PHA-BUCHA-STATUE is amulet Statue or figure of simbolic which use for put inside your home or office for make good luck and by catch FENG-SHUI What Is Feng Shui? Feng shui — which literally translates to "wind and water" — is the ancient Chinese art of placement. The goal is to enhance the flow of chi (life force or spiritual energy), and to create harmonious environments that support health, beckon wealth and invite happiness. Feng Shui and Buddha Statues Whenever you place any object in your home for a feng shui symbol or remedy, be sure you use the right element. For example, a metal Buddha placed in the northern sector of your home is typically an outstanding choice for location. The same statue placed in the east sector of your home won't have beneficial results. In fact, metal in a wood element sector can impede your feng shui design since metal cuts wood. Avoid putting a Buddha statue on the floor; this is deemed very disrespectful. If you opt for a Laughing Buddha, don't forget to rub his belly. While this isn't a requirement, many people claim that rubbing Buddha's belly everyday (the fatter the belly the better) will bring luck and prosperity to all in the home. Feng Shui Rules for Buddha Placement The first thing you want to do when placing a Buddha statue or any statue of a deity is to make sure the location is truly one of reverence. This means you should never place one in a bathroom or kitchen. Also, you want the height of the Buddha to be at least eye level. Looking down at a deity is considered rude and irreverent. Avoid placing near electrical outlets, elect or equipment with moving parts and motors. This type of activity disturbs the surrounding energy. Most Auspicious Location for Your BuddhaFacing the main door: Many feng shui consultants recommend placing the Buddha opposite the main front door of a home on a table that is about thirty inches high. This location allows Buddha to interact with the chi energy entering your home. From this position, the statue can neutralize any negative chi, and transform it from damaging to very lucky energy.Living room: Buddha is also quite comfortable in the living room. The best position for Buddha in the living room is facing the front door.On a desk: Students should place Buddha on their desks. This is a perfect location to enlist a little help with lessons and evoke Buddha auspicious energy for fulfilling your academic goals.Office table or reception's desk: For those that own a business, placing Buddha on a reception's desk can help bring prosperity to your company.Meditation garden: This is an ideal area for a Buddha statue. One of the most popular poses is the Meditation Buddha.Buddha altar: If you're Buddhist, then you already have an altar, just make sure you place this altar in your home where meditation and reflection can be practiced.Yoga room: If you practice yoga, then you have a special room or area of a room in your home devote to your exercise. This is an excellent place for a Buddha statue. Just be sure to place it eye level or higher. Please Note !!!: double read all before PurchaseUnder Multiple quantity selling, i am using stock photo of 1 item to selling many quantity, so your received item(s) may not actual piece as seen on listing but i am confirm there your received will be similar and all significant not much difference between them. 100% guarantee about condition detail will similar as you see.If buyer want to see actual picture of item, it ok. Buyer have to place order and complete payment before, after that just email to me with subject "want to see actual picture if paid item(s)". i will take photo(s) of actual item in current stock and send to you by reply your email. if you saw photo and confirm i will ship out package but if buyer no want to get it, buyer can cancel order and get full refund. (this process may take 2-3 day for take a photo) Due to many type of monitors, the actual color may be a little bit different as shownTag:Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320,LP SOMPORN (YAI) of LekLai-PriDum-Kow-Umklum mountain,LEKLAI MixedB.E.2558 or 2015 A.D,Protect life resolved problem n trouble faster,LEKLAI Sacred mineral & substance of magic !!, Luang Poo TUAD wat ChangHai !, BUCHA STATUE (FENG-SHUI) Positive Energy !!, Business & Trading & Occupation, Protection & Invulnerable & Harmless, *Recommended, VDO LEKLAI Temple, CopyRight 2023 เรียวอมิวเล็ท ดอทคอม

Price: 168.88 USD

Location: Bangkoknoi

End Time: 2024-12-09T13:14:07.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320Large Statue Monk Tuad Leklai Ash Lucky Wealth Fortune Somporn Thai Amulet 16320

Item Specifics

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)

Primary Material: Leklai

Monk maker: LP SOMPORN (YAI) of LekLai-PriDum-Kow-Umklum mount

Color: Black

Religion: Buddhism

Region of Origin: Southeast Asia

Modified Item: No

Type: Amulets & Talisman

year made: B.E.2558 or 2015 A.D

material: Resin / Fiber glass + LEKLAI

Original/Reproduction: Vintage Original

Featured Refinements: Thai Amulet

Country/Region of Manufacture: Thailand

Age: Post-1940

Handmade: Yes

Purpose/ Effective/ Main power: Protect life resolved problem n trouble faster




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